Stop List - De La Salle Chapel
Manhattan College, Bronx, NY
Organ built rebuilt by J.H. & C.S. Odell, Yonkers, NY.
Open Diapason 8' Melodia 8' Dulciana 8' Octave 4' Twelfth 2-2/3' Super Octave 2' Great to Great 4' Great to Great 16' Swell to Great Swell to Great 4' Swell to Great 16' |
Open Diapason 8' Salicional 8' Stopped Diapason 8' Violina 4' Rohr Flute 4' Nazard 2-2/3' Oboe 8' Vox Humana 8' Tremulant Swell to Swell 4' Swell to Swell 16' |
Bourdon 16' Bass Flute 8' Great to Pedal Great to Pedal 4' Swell to Pedal |