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State Legislators and State Senators receive distinctive license plates to use on their vehicles while they are serving their term.
The "Top Six" state officials also display special plates with the "Official" legend.
#1- Governor, #2- Lieutenant Governor, #3- Secretary of State, #4- State Treasurer, #5- Attorney General and #6- Comptroller.
Starting sometime in the 1930s State Legislators and Senators received attachments to display atop their license plates. There were yellow on dark blue ones, and later dark blue on white. Yellow on dark blue attachments are known for the 1951 Senate with the district number in the lower right. In 1955, black on white porcelain plates featuring the state seal were issued, and validated with the 1955 passenger tab. These were only used for one session, and replaced by a black on white porcelain topper for 1957.
In 1959, full-sized white on blue plates were introduced, with the "Legislature" and "Senate" captions. These were used until 1967, when flat screened blue on white plates featuring the state seal were issued. Through many slight variations these plates are still used today. Variants are also issued for ranking officials such as Speaker of the House, Majority Leader, etc. These feature the title spelled out in addition to the district number. Some of these types are also issued on the "Preserve the Sound" base, though completely flat.
State Legislature |
From the 1930s to the early 1950s, Legislators and Senators received attachments such as this to display above their license plates. Because of the yellow on blue color scheme, most collectors display these along with a 1936 plate - although I'm not certain that's always necessarily correct. |
1940s/50s topper
Dark blue on white. |
Porcelain plates were used for the 1955 and 1956 Legislature and Senate plates. |
1959-60 topper, black on white porcelain.
A note on the back of this indicates it belonged to Andrew Repko. He was elected as Representative of the 35th district in 1953, serving for 14 years. |
1967 State Legislature, with a nice low number.
Another 1967, but at the other end of the numbering spectrum.
1968 State Legislature
This is a ca. 1966 issue, it has no tab slots.
For the 1967-1969 term, blue on white plates similar to the design below were first issued. |
1971 State Legislature |
1973 State Legislature |
1977 State Legislature
The background of this plate is reflectorized, but it held up about as well as the reflective Polyvend plates of the same era. |
1979 State Legislature
These '64' plates were issued to Adela Eads. She served in the Legislature for 4 years before being elected to the Senate. See the Senate section below for the continuation of this story. |
1979 State Legislature - second car |
1980 State Legislature |
1981 State Legislature - second car.
The 1980 and 1981 plates were actually both used at the same time, but there was no 1981 sticker for the front plate, as Connecticut went to single plates that year. |
1985 State Legislature - second car |
1988 State Legislature
1995 State Legislature |
2001 State Legislature |
1965 Constitutional Convention
A State Constitutional Convention was held in Connecticut from July 1, 1965 through October 28, 1965. There were 84 total delegates, 42 from each party. The primary purpose of the Convention was to rewrite the Article of the State Constitution that dealt with representation in the legislative districts- though other matters were also addressed.
This plate design then became the basis for Legislature and Senate plates.